Hell i am not saying that it is perfect, but give the federations some credit for the hard work and effort that is making things happen for the sport in this country!
I know in any aspect of life we are faced with the same challenges, and that is if we keep focusing on what we do not have, we so miss out on enjoying and appreciation what we do have!
This is not to say that a person must accept that the place you find yourself is where you will be in 5 years, but sometimes we are so full critic and advice that we miss out on the moment that we are in!
I have been touched by so many people in this beautiful sport and industry, that do so much for the sport and athlete in this country, and never even gets a thank you for their effort.
And believe me i am not talking about individuals that secure big sponsors, or even the expensive trophies, all this we so appreciate, well for a short while anyway? But there is people that have got such a passion for what they do, that they just do! willing to give their time, to better the sport for you and me!
But that will not be seen or acknowledged , because people will be busy criticizing and commenting on what they do not see, or where they feel they might have been done some injustice!
I like the following said by Hendry Ford " Don't find fault, find a remedy" as the small but growing sport we are, if we can all apply this, i know we will be a different sporting body in years from now.
In a previous blog I spoke about the respect we should have towards one another, but with respect come gratitude for what is being done for us! lets not take things for granted, lets not make light of anyone's efforts, lets not criticize people if we do not know the whole story , take the time to find out what really is involved, and get all the facts, not to criticize, comment or give your 10 cents worth of opinion, but so that you can make the effort to thank such individual for their hard work and effort that made it possible for you to achieve what you have!
Also no matter what badge you wear, or what Federation flag you fly, the efforts of individuals within these federations, make the sport better for all of us, and believe me we will all benefit from the outcome.
On a personal note, just recent I was public ally attacked with false accusations and lies, but you see the truth is just so unbelievable that it sounds impossible that some one would spend so much of their own time and money on a sport and not expect anything in return, but that the sport and athletes in this country can grow and benefit from the efforts. Now i am but one of many, that on different levels and commitments willing to do the same, think about it, that if 10 years, no 20 years, individuals that were administrating this sport of body building in this country decided to give up, and stop putting any effort into body building shows, we will not have what we got today! we will not have a platform to build on, for the future. So lets not forget what is important, and remember with a heart of gratitude and thanks to those who has kept this sport alive and given us so much to be thank full for.
I know with me, there is many that want to see a better body building sport in the future, but you know that if we stand together in the passion we have for the sport, respect each others choices, and appreciate the efforts of others, this sport will only grow, and become the institution that can create opportunity and rewards for each individual involved.Body building and fitness rocks! - BBFR
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