Wednesday, 16 May 2012


To change the future we have to make a difference today! for people to better understand the sport of Body building and fitness, we got to change their perception. For them to understand that this sport is not just about pumping muscle and the use of illegal drugs, this is so sad as it takes away from the hard work and effort of so many athletes, world wide, and surely these athletes do not get the respect they deserve. I do not want to linger on the point of illegal substances, but lets face it, if it was that easy we will see far more muscular and toned bodies, than we will see fat people!
I have been fortunate to travel extensively with my sport as a strength athlete and a physique athlete, and one characteristic that I encounter all over the world, is the passion that all athletes share, no matter what language you speak, the reality of the constant smell of fish in the kitchen stays the same no matter what continent you on.
The commitment, dedication and sacrifice is three words that i often use describing an athlete, that knows what it is like to say no to things that others take for granted, having a quick take away meal, joining friends for all night party or even that choc nut cookie offered by the restaurant in the side plate of the coffee.

Athletes that get themselves into stage ready condition, knows what it takes and believe me it is not easy, and to live and share a house with such athlete, is even more of a challenge, especially the last few days before a show, with the mood  irritation of cutting carbohydrates and water, the brown stains on the toilet seat because of the pro tan and then the ultimate is the smell of fish hanging in the kitchen. So with this said, family, loved ones and partners we say thank you for your patience and sacrifices that you also have to bear with.
You will clearly identify a athlete when you see them visiting family and friends with their tog bag filled with plastic tupperware containing accurately weigh food portions, this a daunting task of standing every evening preparing the food dishes for the next day!
It takes a very special type of person to go through all of this, and then again and then again,and again to achieve their goal weight and stage ready physique. As body building and fitness athletes we work as hard and even harder than some of the other sporting codes, and many times their achievements is brushed aside and not realizing the hard work and effort that has gone into achieving that title.
I realize that not everyone wants to look like a bulked up body builder or not all ladies want to be as hard, toned and muscular, but then again I do not want a tattoo on my body, but I sure do appreciate a beautiful tattoo on another body, because i do respect that we do not all have the same interests and we all make different choices. We just use the body as a different canvas, because our result of hard work and commitment can be seen as we carry our work with us!.
But society would rather make remarks if a muscular athlete, walking through a shopping center, but a fat person will get a sympathetic word. This is incredibly hard work that takes allot of time and dedication and the reason why I am so passionate about the sport, as only if you been through the process of preparing for contest you will understand the emotions and feelings that you experience as an athlete.
I have not been given the choice ,as due to a injury i an not able to compete anymore, but this will not stop me from making a difference in some other athletes life.I just wish that sometimes I had more financials  means to make even a bigger difference immediately, but then I will make a difference one step at a time.
After weeks of sacrifices and commitment to training and eating and preparing for but one moment you get on stage,  just do yourself a favor and see an athlete that has just come off stage and experience this moment with them, they got a inner glow of accomplishment, the high is indescribable this is what body building and fitness is all about! And if people can see and appreciate this, the athletes will get the respect they deserve.
I am proud to be part of this industry and fitness family, and I have the greatest respect for all athletes that have conquered the stage!

1 comment:

  1. This is so true Wayne...Very few people understand what kinds of sacrifices and absolute dedication are required in bodybuilding. We can't brush off gym because we don't feel like it or are tired because we know that if we do we will never be champions!
